Jobless Recovery

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jobless Recovery Reviewed on Daily Cheap Reads

The country is still in a "jobless recovery" with millions of Americans unable to cash their moneyless paychecks.

Meanwhile, you might want to check out a great review of the book Jobless Recovery on Daily Cheap Reads.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Jobless Recovery Gets Some Recognition

Jobless Recovery got a great review on Independent eBook reviews. I'm especially pleased that the reviewer says this is the best edited independently published books she's read. You can read the review here:

Though there were some things the reviewer didn't care for, she did pick up that I'm passionate about the book. I should be. I lived a lot of it. Not the parts about the—well, the crime. I don't want to put in a spoiler that would ruin the book for readers, but I do want everyone to know I didn't do the crime in real life. That part is pure fiction.

With the current economy, it's not surprising that I've heard from a lot of readers who are currently living their own version of a jobless recovery.

To quote Dave Griffin in my book: "Yeah, one day the country, and maybe the world, would return to government of the people, by the people instead of government by the greedy."